Peter Peckarsky for DNC from wisconsin




"As long-time Democratic activists, we whole-heartedly and enthusiastically endorse
Peter Peckarsky's campaign to represent Wisconsin on the DNC,"

Dr. Irving and Elaine Brotslaw

The following individual has endorsed Mr. Peckarsky's Proposal for Protocol to Contest Election Results:

  • Seth Waxman, solicitor general of the united States, 1997-2001

Thank you to each of my generous supporters. I appreciate you and your endorsement.

  • Katherine Berkvam, delegate to the 2017 DPW Convention from the 6th CD (Dodge County)

  • Elaine Brotslaw, Delegate from Wisconsin to the 1972 Democratic National Convention (pledged to George McGovern)

  • Dr. Irving Brotslaw, Delegate from Wisconsin to the 1968 Democratic National Convention; ex-President of the Eastside Democrats (Milwaukee, Wisconsin)

  • Mary Burpee, delegate to the 2017 DPW Convention from the 1st CD (Walworth County)

  • Kim Butler, delegate to the 2017 DPW convention from the 7th CD, Co-Chair of the Polk County Democratic Party

  • Karen Maidana Dahl, Delegate to the 2017 DPW Convention from the 3rd CD (Vernon County), Vernon County Co-Chair and former Chair, 3rd Congressional District

  • Robert j. fitrakis, director, columbus institute for contemporary journalism

  • Ellen Goldstein, Delegate to the 2017 DPW Convention from the 4th CD (Milwaukee County)

  • Daniel Holzman - Delegate to the 2017 DPW Convention from the 2nd CD (Sauk county)

  • Kippian Inglis - Delegate to the 2017 DPW Convention from the 6th CD (Columbia County)

  • jack jacobson, Delegate to the 2017 DPW Convention from the 4th CD (Milwaukee County), RESIDENT OF MILWAUKEE

  • Bonnie Jacobson, Delegate to the 2017 DPW Convention from the 4th CD (Milwaukee County), RESIDENT OF MILWAUKEE

  • Angela Kirst, Delegate to the 2017 DPW Convention from the 6th CD (Dodge County)

  • Gregory Kobs, delegate to the 2017 DPW convention from the 3rd CD, Chair of the Adams County Democratic Party

  • Rich Langan, delegate to the 2017 DPW convention from the 8th cd, 1st Vice Chair of the Brown County Democratic Party

  • Eldred Mielke, delegate to the 2017 DPW Convention from the 2nd CD (Rock County)

  • Steve Rubert - Delegate to the 2017 DPW Convention from the 6th CD (COLUMBIA COUNTY)

  • Judy Rubert - Delegate to the 2017 DPW Convention from the 6th CD (COLUMBIA COUNTY)